This time he picked me up much earlier and we went straight to a village called Boca Chica where you can get a water taxi to the island and we told the capitain of the boat to pick us up at 2 pm again.

We walked through little paths in the jungle to get to a lonely beach where the water was very smooth and you did not have to fight with strong currents. Due to the walk I was quite sweaty and was looking for a refreshing moment in the Pacific. But when I walked it, I immediately was disappointed: The water was neither cristal clear, nor cool; it was luke warm and did not refresh me. So, I didn't stay long in the water, but grabbed my book and read and read and read! When I looked up, I saw that all around us was a lot of movement: all kinds of crabs were going after their daily business of looking for food. And it turned out to be a lot of fun chasing them around the beach! :-P And we've even heard howler monkeys in the jungle.
Although it was very cloudy that day, it was still warm and I really enjoyed the beach. But since it was cloudy, I thought that I wouldn't need any sunscreen. However, I was wrong: now I have sunburns on both of my feet and knees and around my belly...ouch! It still surprises me how strong that Panamanian sun can be.

At 2 pm we waited at the pier for our water taxi. Well, Panamanians are always late, so we knew that we would have to wait a bit. But when at 2.15 the taxi still wasn't there, we called another taxi over that just came by. Back in Boca Chica we met the taxi driver of the boat who was supposed to pick us up, but he didn't look like he had a bad conscience because he had forgotten us.

We had been planning to eat something in Boca Chica. But on our way to the only restaurant in the village we met an American lady with three Panamanians who told us that the food was terrible there. So, we decided to eat Playa de Las Lajas, a very long beach.
On our way to Las Lajas it rained and now you can see how a very long empty beach looks like during rainy season. However, I bet it's amazing when the sun is shining.

PS. That's how it looks like when I am chasing crab!

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