So, after eating lots of food (In Finland they make something calles sandwich cakes. It's made out of several layers of bread and in between you have either fish or sausage with mayonnaise and maybe vegetables - very delicious! :-)) and drinking a glass of Russian champagne (which was bought in Estonia because buying alcohol for such a big party in Finland would make you go bankrupt), my host parents and I spent the rest of the afternoon on a swing.
In the evening, we went back to our yard, got back into our comfy clothes and read a while. And then I got to know Ville, a guy who only lives a couple of houses across the road, has spent a year in Germany and speaks German faster than I do. We exchanged phone numbers and he said that he's call me if he's going out or if there is some kind of party somewhere. Let's wait and see! He's definitely funny and entertaining! :-)
After having had a bottle of German Weizenbier (Weizen = wheat) and two glasses of champagne, the neighbors asked us if we want to come over again to have the rest of the food and some more alcohol. So, off we went. Then, I was supplied with another glass of champagne, a glass of white wine, a small glass with some kind of liqueur, and a can of Finnish beer which tasted like the watered down version of German beer. Although I only speak 30 words of Finnish and ,of course, can't understand any conversation in Finnish, I stayed there until 2 o'clock at night. Although they only partly spoke in English, I felt very comfy be the little fire and surrounded by many happy people. (And I could stare into the fire for hours and still be entertained. Fire is awesome!) And yes, there are stereotypes about Finnish people that are true. And one of them is: Most Finnish people like to drink lots of alcohol! :-P
What did I do the rest of the weekend? Well, I was working on my tan! Lately, we've had like 28 degrees Celsius here and I managed to burn my neckline a little bit.
And today I did another shopping trip with the Beetle and it went so well that I collected all my courage and took the high way route back home! So far I had been afraid to take the high way with the Beetle because I was afraid it wouldn't make it. But I got it up to 100 km/h and that's the speed limit on this particular high way anyway! *lol* My host mom told me that the Beetle is a girl and can be quite moody sometimes and she really proofed that to me: sometimes she won't start at all and on other days she's just fine!
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